Hypothyroidism | natural remedies | treatment


 Whenever there is a decrease in thyroid hormone in our body, it is a problem Hypothyroidism is caused by a disorder in the thyroid. Our metabolism is also weakened.

Hypothyroidism causes a  problem of constipation, witchcraft, weight gain, hair loss, and periods in women, as well as physical weakness. This disease causes us to gain weight fast. This is why home prescriptions At the same time, it is important to improve your diet because many people are unaware that they eat things that cause more damage to the thyroid. Today we will talk about some of the things in this blog that You can get rid of thyroid disease by using and will also be able to reduce the weight gained due to thyroid.

Hypothyroidism | natural remedies | treatment


  • Ginger
  • Onions and cucumbers
  • Milk and yogurt and buttermilk
  • Egg
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Dried fruits


Ginger is the best and most useful for hypothyroidism. It contains zinc, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and anti-inflammatory proteins that improve hypothyroidism. 
you can add 3 to 4 pieces of ginger in water and boil it for 10 to 15 minutes, and then after cooling it can be drunk, once a day after meals. It helps to control the thyroid. In addition, this drink also speeds up your metabolism. Which helps in reducing weight gain and also improves every thyroid hormone rapidly.

Onions and cucumbers

Onions are very helpful for the thyroid. They contain iron, sulfur, and vitamins that control thyroid levels. The natural compounds found in cucumbers play an important role in the performance of your thyroid level and you can eat cucumbers and onions daily in the form of salads. Helps to keep thyroid levels (normalized) fixes thyroid problems and gradually begins to heal.

Milk and yogurt and buttermilk

Milk and buttermilk are very effective in thyroid disease. People with thyroid disease should include a glass of milk as well as another glass of buttermilk and a cup of yogurt in their daily diet. Large amounts of protein and calcium in milk cure thyroid problems. Yogurt speeds up digestion and balances the thyroid. People with hypothyroidism can use these things to improve thyroid disease.


Eggs are good for the thyroid and contain a good amount of protein and iodine. Thyroid dysfunction requires a very good amount of these nutrients and they are often the cause of thyroid disease due to the lack of minerals because a good amount of iodine helps to balance the thyroid. People with hypothyroidism can use an egg daily in the form of an omelet or by boiling it. This gives good results in this disease.

5. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is very good for the thyroid. It reduces the swelling and pain caused by the thyroid. People who suffer from this type of disease can take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water daily. This helps them control thyroid levels because apple cider vinegar naturally balances hormones and contains certain chemicals that are effective in treating thyroid disease.

6. Dried fruits

Eating dried fruits is a guarantee of our healthy body. They can control your thyroid levels. For this, you can soak almonds in water at night and eat them. Soaked and eaten, it is one of the best-dried fruits for thyroid disease. It also helps to reduce the anxiety caused by thyroid disease. Patients are advised to eat dried fruits on an empty stomach in the morning. They can easily get rid of this disease by avoiding these things as well as certain things. When you have thyroid disease, you should avoid eating fast food and junk food, also avoid cold drinks and make it a habit to drink more water which will speed up your metabolism and improve your thyroid level. It also helps to get rid of the disease and at the same time, the cause of the disease is losing a lot of weight.

If you want to read more :

1. Benefits of vitamin E for skin & hair & other purpose

 2. How I can stop my hair loss through a natural way

3. Hypothyroidism (thyroid disease) and natural remedies for hypothyroidism treatment

4. Quickest way to lose belly fat & lose weight fast by natural remedies

5. Juice for diabetes type 2 ( vegetable juice)

6. How to grow beard fast | faster and natural

7. Depression and Symptoms and Treatment

8. How to boost immune system quickly | Naturally 

9. 5 tips to make your joints & bones stronger

10. Kidney stones cause | Symptoms | Treatment

Note: All The information provided on this blog (including articles, photos, videos, and blog)are based on Pakistani old heritage particles, alternative medicine, traditional medicine, ancient system, and knowledge available with the individuals, communities,t and folk particles which are transferred in Pakistani society by generation to generation with or without documentation and training system.

Any part of this blog and/or any member does not claim to treat and/or cure any disease, medical condition, or beauty problem. The information provided in this is intended to provide free education about see more....

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